Welcome to the association
The Hull Corn Trade Association dates back to 1888 when Hull became a major importer of grain to serve the newly emerging industrial areas along the banks of the Humber and the City of Hull. It became a limited company, (without share capital) in March 1896 and in more recent years changed the
name to Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd to incorporate a wider variety of companies. Membership is no longer restricted by location either as the Association has members who are based all over the UK.
Annual Dinner
Trade Awareness Courses
AM/AM Golf Tournament
If you would like to know more about our future events, head over to our Events page to see what's happening at the moment.
The associations Objectives:
Today the objectives of the Association have evolved somewhat with the main focus being:
Education of members by providing trade awareness courses and seminars.
Keeping members up-to-date with useful information relating to the corn trade.
Organising both professional and social events.
Promoting the corn and feed industries whenever possible.
Make regular financial donations to numerous charities, which you can read about here.