The Hull corn and feed trade Guild
The Guild is an organisation formed for charitable purposes. It's objectives are to “relieve by ways of donations, loans or otherwise, necessitous current and former members of the Guild and their families”. The Guild is registered with the Charities Commission and constituted by Deed of Trust.
The Guild was formed 10 years after the Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd, in the footsteps of the London and Liverpool Corn Trade Guilds. It is noted that the societies objectives, “should be, not the paralysing or even the checking of self-reliance, not the encouraging of idleness or laziness but the giving of a helping hand to that small, unfortunately certain number of comrades who from time to time get worsted in the fight either through trade vicissitudes
or ill-health." The first Annual General Meeting was recorded as being held on the 16th March 1898. To join, membership was open to both Employers and Employees engaged in the Corn Trade of Hull. Each member paid an Annual subscription to the Guild. Applications were approved by a majority of two-thirds of the Executive Committee present at the Committee Meeting.
Today, the Guild is run by the Executive Committee of the Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd. The Rule Book has also been updated and submitted to the Charities Commission and nowadays the Board of Trustees can make a wider variety of one-off donations to worthy causes.