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North Yorkshire Trade Awareness Course

North Yorkshire’s Animal Feed Manufacturers,

Blenders, Farmers and Brewers Trade Awareness Course

Regretfully, we must advise that we have to postpone the September trade awareness course in North Yorkshire.  It is only the second time in twelve years of running these courses that we have had to make this decision but it is a combination of several factors, not least the unprecedented weather we have been experiencing in 2018. 

Historically, July, August and September tend to be relatively quieter months in the trade and an ideal time to run a course, but this just hasn’t been the case this year and there has been a definite impact on both host and delegate companies alike.

We are sorry if this has caused you any inconvenience and we are currently looking to re-schedule this course which realistically we think it will be early spring 2019. 





Attendance at any event organised by the Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd is at your own risk.  To the extent permitted by law, Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd shall have no liability for any loss or damage sustained by you whilst attending any event organised by Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association Ltd except in the case of personal injury or death caused as a result of Hull Corn and Feed Trade Association’s negligence.