Annual Dinner 2017

Well, it is fair to say that the Association’s Annual Dinner was a resounding success with 357 members, guests and distinguished top table guests all attending the event.  This is the third highest number of attendees at the Dinner since it became an annual event back in 2007.

The Executive Committee would like to extend a very big thank you to all the companies who bought tickets for the Dinner because without their support this event would not be the success it is and hope they can rely on your support again for the 2018 Annual Dinner.

The evening started off with a lovely champagne reception, (kindly sponsored by the Mercure Hull Grange Park Hotel, Willerby) and the menu was carefully themed around Hull in recognition of Hull’s status of City of Culture for 2017. Every October Hull hosts one of Europe’s largest travelling funfairs which dates back to 1278.  The starter and dessert were based on two of the traditional foods found at the fair. 

The “Hull Pattie” is made using potatoes, sage and onion covered in batter and deep fried and served with chips and mushy peas.  There is no fish in a traditional “Hull pattie”.  The same Company has been selling this supper from the same stall since the start of the 19th century.

It is often said by locals that you haven’t been to the fair unless you buy a bag of brandy snap and as with the Hull pattie, there is one company synonymous with this product.  The reason it is called brandy snap is unclear as it contains no brandy, but one of the theories is that the name comes from “brandy schnap” which means being burnt and was probably created by accident!

It was with great sadness that the evening was dedicated to Mrs Anne Stephenson the Association’s first lady secretary who sadly passed away in May and Mr Dave Norris from “Norris blog” a keen  supporter of the Association and regular attendee at the Dinner who passed away in March. Anne and Dave where both larger than life characters who enjoyed life to the full and will be sadly missed by all that knew them.

 The Prize Draw on the evening raised a staggering £2,971.50 and Robert Brocklesby; the Association’s President presented Mrs Sally Conner with a cheque for £2000 for the Royal Agricultural Benevolent Institution (R.A.B.I.).  The Association’s ethos is to offer, when possible, consistent and continual support to its chosen charities and are proud to be able once again to offer this financial support to such a worthy and closely linked charity.

The Association prides itself on being a friendly, formal Dinner and guests heard a jovial speech by Robert Brocklesby about the Association’s activities for the year before being entertained by a professional award winning comedian, Gary Marshall.

Should you like a copy of any of the photographs on the website, please do not hesitate in contacting the office to arrange a copy.
