85th President for the Association


Further to the Association’s Annual General Meeting & Executive Committee Meeting held on Thursday 24th January 2018.  The Association would like to announce that Tom Windscheffel from Cargill plc is the newly elected President of the Association.

He has succeeded Robert Brocklesby from Adams and Green Ltd who held the post for five years.  The Committee expressed huge thanks to Rob for his loyal service and for steering the Association so well over the years.

Rob said “It has been my pleasure to serve as President for the Association for the last five years, (six dinners) and I know that under Tom’s guise and leadership the Association will go from strength to strength. I will of course, continue to offer my support from the side lines of the Executive Committee!”

He also wanted to add “As the Association continues to commit to delivering two trade awareness courses a year to both new starters and established players within the industry; I would like to thank all those companies that make this possible.”