First Sponsored Defibrillator Installed

A decision was made last year to assist rural areas of East Yorkshire with the installation of defibrillators and the intention is to install one a year.

After some research and discussions, the small hamlet of Owstwick, about 12 miles East of Hull was selected and following talks with the local parish council a suitable location was selected and on the 3rd February the unit was installed.

Whilst installing the defibrillator discussions moved to a recent incident when a local resident of Owstwick had to call for an ambulance and it took over and hour and a quarter for the ambulance to arrive, which just proves why it is vitally important these devices are installed in rural areas.

Once the warmer weather arrives, it was agreed to have a formal photo shot with the representatives from the Association and Parish Councillors in attendance.

If you know of a rural location in need of a defibrillator, please contact the office to put forward your suggestion.