North Yorkshire Trade Awareness Course, 21st & 22nd May 2019

“Another successful North Yorkshire trade awareness course, with the weather, companies and delegates being extremely kind to us,” reported Angela Sutherby, lead chaperone.

There was a great mix of visits to cover all different aspects of the trade from pet food production at IPN to finding out how the Theakston’s Best Beer was made and sampling the results.

The coopering, once again brought out the competitive edge in the delegates and it was the ladies with team work and determination which ultimately equalled success.

It was lovely to see so many new people on this course, be it new starters or new to the industry and they all got on really well, which in turn made the course more enjoyable for all.

The opportunity to visit other companies, along with the networking opportunities these course bring are really helpful to people in their development and careers.

Angela would like to thank everyone who attended the course, but especially all the companies that continue to support us, either by sending delegates along on the course, or allowing us the opportunity to visit their premises, which we appreciate takes up a lot of their valuable time and effort, so thank you very much.